Although a little skeptical of the back to back weekend formatting I went into this years ACL weekend One very excitable because of the absolutely killer lineup. Who wouldn't want to see THE CURE alongside Tame Impala, Local Natives and of course the super band Atoms for Peace. Sure you are bitter there are no single day passes available, and sure your are kind of confused at what this double weekend is going to mean for your experience. “But you will have immense regret if you don’t go,” I thought to myself as I forked over the money for my over $200 three day pass last spring. “You’ll get to see so many bands,” I whispered to myself for nearly six months while trying to justify my purchase, “You don’t need gas money, buy a bike already”. And sure enough the ACL gods delivered an incredibly surreal festival experience.
Driving in from San Antonio meant that much to my disappointment I had to miss FIDLAR, so my ACL weekend started with wandering between venues, as truly it should at this sort of thing. I caught a bit of Local Natives, who were an extreme show of musicianship and finally settled down at the Austin Ventures stage. Here I saw Wild Belle, a semi Jazzy act who I caught when they were touring with Toro Y Moi. Perfect for the late afternoon, siblings Elliot and Natalie Bergman alongside their band have a great stage presence that sells Natalie’s deep set vocals and their fun yet relaxed sound that somehow still puts me on edge. You can see what I mean in their video. I might have worried that their strong beats and baseline wouldn't transition well to a live outdoor setting (having previously seen them at a small indoor venue), but they made appropriate adjustments. It’s hard to really classify their sound with 70’s style electronics, Elliot’s folk rockesque presence and vocals that stray in between soul and pop diva. But that's fine because despite hailing from Chicago their sound just fits Austin. Welcome to Texas Wilde Belle, Ya’ll are welcome back anytime.

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