Saturday, November 3, 2012

FFF Fest Day 1 Recap: X

Hello, it's Rebecca. I've been at KRTU for almost 4 years now, 3 years as an intern and now I'm just a regular old DJ. I have a show Wednesday nights at 10pm that I call "Popular Girl Club", maybe you've caught it. Anyway, I have an alright camera so I guess that's why I got asked to come help KRTU cover the fest. I have the pleasure of sharing with you my thoughts on a few shows, let's get started y'all~

Black Stage, 9 pm

For those who don't know, X is a band from Los Angles that helped establish the first wave of American punk rock in the 1980s. The line up is pretty standard for a punk band: drummer DJ Bonebreak, guitarist Billy Zoom, vocalist/bassist John Doe, and vocalist Exene Cervenka.  I don't know why, maybe because I had only ever paid attention to older photos and videos of them, but I was surprised to see them looking so... well, old.  When I saw the band come out on stage, I thought, "Oh, so this is what punk vets look like now." John Doe was wearing an intricately decorated, pearl snap cowboy shirt, Cervenka looked like a matronly character in a Tim Burton film set in the deep south, and Mr. Billy Zoom stood stoically on the lefthand side of the stage with a monogrammed guitar strap, smiling and calmly delivering killer solos. The band played their first and landmark album from 1980, "Los Angles", in it's entirety. The sound guys has a bit of problem with the vocal levels, but other that that, the show was great. Even slower songs like Nausea absorbed me, and I wasn't sure how engaging those songs would be. However, I don't think anyone should have expected anything besides a killer show from this group. There's really nothing else to say besides that. I want to shake the hand of the person who booked X. Thank you.

Highlight: Johnny Hit and Run Paulene (duh) and the fact that Billy Zoom looked just like a friendly version of villain in Blade Runner.


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